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web site last modified on December 11th, 2017 
Full name:
Gavrilo Belacevic
Marital status:
Married + 2 children
Current role:
Senior Software Consultant
Current Employer:
Spoken Languages:
 Serbian  Native
 English  Fluent
 Greek  Good
 Italian  Average
 German  Average
 Spanish  Basic

Latest visits: Locations of visitors to this page  for 2010 - 2011
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Working as a technical consultant from the very beginning I gained rich experience in large-scale system integration on time/quality critical projects. Profound understanding of state-of-the-art transactional systems and experience with application servers configurations and deployments, as well as security integration add to my ability to drive any team forward.

I like to think of myself as ambitious and communicative person, willing to learn and improve constantly through challenges and ever-increasing quality demands. Being a technology aficionado helps, but it's each of the success stories I've been involved with that drives me forward.



10/2016 - present

DEVersity - Specialized in building all around software solutions. (

Full time job as Senior Software Consultant, participating in a project related to data mining of veterinary-related information. Responsible for technical design and development of different applications, frameworks and reports, refactoring and optimizing existing ones, as well as code review and daily communication with clients.

Technology Highlights: Ruby on Rails, AWS (EC2, RDS, S3), PostgreSQL, Heroku, Salesforce.

12/2012 - 10/2016

Seavus - Software development and consulting company. (

Full time job as Senior Software Developer and Team Lead, leading a team of four on a project related to financial transactions and money transfer (SWIFT & SEPA). Responsible for business analysis, technical design and development of both back-end and front-end applications, creating new and maintaining / re-factoring existing ones, as well as direct communication with clients and providing on-site consulting services when needed.

Technology Highlights: Java SE (MultiThread, RMI, H2H), Spring, Thymeleaf, Hibernate, Derby, MySQL, Tomcat Server.

04/2011 - 12/2012

Arius Belgrade - IT company, advanced partner of IBM. (

Full time job as Senior Software Developer, working for the CMS Team. In charge of development of Web and Standalone applications, analysis and technical design, as well as application deployments and configuration.

Technology Highlights: J2EE, JSP, STRUTS, Spring, Hibernate, DB2, Websphere Server, Tomcat Server.

11/2008 - 4/2011

European Dynamics S.A. - Software and ICT services provider. (

Full time job as Software Engineer, working as external/consultant at MedNet International on MedNeXt application migration project. Responsible for developing, maintaining and improving functionality of one of the leading Health Insurance Management Applications using Oracle ADF 11g Framework, as well application deployments and security integration.

Technology Highlights: Oracle ADF 11g, Oracle PLSQL, Weblogic Server and Active Directory LDAP.

08/2007 - 11/2008

Arius Belgrade - IT company, advanced partner of IBM. (

Full time job as Software Engineer, working as external/consultant at Ministry of Internal Affairs, being one of the leading men on Digital Personal Documents project. In charge of many sectors, such as: Web Application itself, Data Structure and Security Level (Roles/Policies and Error Prevention/Recovery), as well as application deployments and configuration.

Technology Highlights: J2EE (EJB 2.0, Servlets), JSP, STRUTS, Oracle PLSQL, Websphere Server and IBM LDAP.

2003 - 2007.
Freelancing as Software/Web Developer (
Creator of more then 15 complete solution dynamic and static Web Sites, as well as 3 desktop applications for different clients, mostly companies from Serbia, but also Angola, Brazil and Bosnia.


Programming languages:

  • Ruby (Rails)
  • JAVA (Servlets, Spring MVC, Struts, EJB, Oracle ADF, JSF, JSP, Thymeleaf etc.)
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • XML / XSD / XSLT
  • HTML
  • JavaScript, Ajax, JSON
  • CSS
Development tools and environments:
  • RubyMine
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Eclipse
  • WebSphere Software Developer (IBM Rational Developer)
  • Oracle JDevloper
  • NetBeans
  • TOAD for Oracle
  • Oracle SQL Developer
  • MySQL
  • WebSphere Application Server
  • WebLogic Application Server
  • Tomcat Server


- Great experience in Application Deployments and Application Server administration.
- Rich history in 3rd party products integrations (AWS, SalesForce etc.).
- Security Layer knowledge (JAZN, LDAP, WebSeal).
- Excellent understanding of state-of-the-art transactional systems and mechanisms
- Experience in Software Design-From-Analysis


2003. - 2013.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (B.E.E.), University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.

Microsoft course 2274B: Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment.

Certificate of attendance of IBM's course IBM EP59: IBM Project Management Concepts.


Principles of AGILE Development (Carsten Schott, Enterprise Architect, lecture - 1 day)

Software Design-From-Analysis (Michalis Koniotakis, Oracle ACE, lecture - 10 days)

Oracle ADF 11g (Andrejus Baranovskis, Oracle ACE Director, lecture - 8 days)


Serbian - Native

English - Fluent (spoken and written).

Greek - Good (Learned during three years of living and working in Greece)

Italian - Average knowledge of spoken and written language (certificate of three finished courses at institute of foreign languages "Ðuro Salaj" in Belgrade).

German - Average knowledge of spoken and written language (certificate of two finished courses at school of foreign languages "Swanbell" in Belgrade).

Spanish - Basic knowledge of spoken and written language (certificate of two finished courses at institute of foreign languages "Ðuro Salaj" in Belgrade).

languages in more detail...


- Driving licence (passenger car category)


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